Lifestyle, Culture Cailyn and Gillian Lifestyle, Culture Cailyn and Gillian

Episode 33: How To Live Sustainably in 12 easy Steps

Sustainability is extra top-of-mind with Earth Day this week, and in the past year alone, we’ve seen just how huge an impact our small actions can have on the environment. (Seriously, just watch David Attenborough’s new doc…in just a few weeks after lockdown, air pollution cleared so much in Jalandhar, India, that the snowy peaks of the Himalayas were visible for the FIRST TIME IN THREE DECADES!)

We’ve really wanted to improve our carbon footprints and become more eco-conscious, so in this week’s quickie, we’re giving you 12 easy tips for going green that you can implement around your kitchen, living room, bathroom, closet, shopping habits, and outdoor space to live a more sustainable life.

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